Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Realizing No Matter What I Do There Is A Sting

I never thought that becoming a full-time beekeeper was going to be so intense.  My fellow beekeepers can be intense, honeybee science is way intense, the activity of beekeeping is intense and then family life can be intense too.  Why does everything have to be so intense? No matter what I do, no matter what I do there is an intensity that leads to a sting.

Picture this....you are suited up and ready to HELP the honeybees and all of a sudden you have a honeybee in your veil trying to go at your face, then you feel the sting in your hiney.  It could get intense.  As we enter their environment, we have to learn to exist along with them and when we make any move... we could get a STING.  Sometimes getting ten stings is a good day.

One night the 4 year old grandkid finds my honey stash.  Eating more a than normal human being for one sitting.  Before we know it, he was naked and reaking havoc all over the house.  No stopping him any time soon.  Need to play, need to feed, need to keep that baby from falling, need to say give me a kiss, need to say good bye, let's say that is a 'sting' of another kind.

Now i have these part time jobs that help bring in income while my business brings a profit.  They all have nothing to do with each other.  I love working for my uncle who does BBQ catering.  I love doing wedding videos for people.  I love being a substitute leader for The Bee Ladies (honey bee education to students).  All these have their moments of intensity, which leave their sting of utter exhaustion.

Going about your days will always present some kind of intensity or sting.  As for me, I will be ready with sting oitment and God's Word that will guide me through the daily stings of life.  I love God and I do take Him at His Word.  In Romans 5:3 says We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us—they help us learn to endure.  In everything I know there is a lesson to be learned or truth God has in store for me.  The cool thing for me, is that the older I get and the stings I endure, the more I grow in wisdom where i can share with others.  

Realizing no matter what I do there is a sting.

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