Thursday, June 16, 2011


This is a e-mail i sent to my friend...
I was sitting in church beside a church lady (my friend, Debbie) and was getting online and looking up stuff and fooling around on my android(yes I repented)….and then all of a sudden I remembered about the monthly beekeeping newsletter.  Yes I was listening to the message:  God knows what we need and knows our desires before we do and answers our prayer before we even ask.   Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hearIasiah 65:24. 

So I texted beekeeping friend about the monthly newsletter that needed to be written, edited and published before the end of the month, so it would be more than a fleeting thought.  I know if I did right then my friend would hold me accountable.  God knows she is good for me.

In my walk with the Lord, I am constantly seeking His approval and will for my life.  But on this earth there are all types of poeple I come in contact with especially while on my latest assignment being a fulltime beekeeper.  I have a core group that i communicate with on a daily basis about the business of beekeeping.   Those core people I have come to love  just as Christ does.  He has shown me what to love about them.  That core group spur me on and geniunely care about seeing that I succeed in this business and understand that this journey is God ordained even though their beliefs are different.  This core group holds me accountable the same way Christians should hold each other accountable.